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Distinguished Argentine Writer And Reporter

Journalist Jorge Fernández Díaz Dies at 72

Distinguished Argentine Writer and Reporter


BUENOS AIRES, July 8, 2022 - Noted Argentine journalist and writer Jorge Fernández Díaz, known for his blend of journalism and literature, passed away at the age of 72.

Over a 40-year career, Fernández Díaz alternated between police reporting and literary journalism. His books, such as "Mamá" and "La Argentina iba rumbo a colisión con el kirchnerismo," showcased his keen eye for storytelling and his ability to weave together personal narratives with sociopolitical commentary.

Fernández Díaz was born in Buenos Aires in 1960 and worked for major publications such as Clarín and La Nación. He received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to journalism, including the prestigious María Moors Cabot Prize in 1998.

His passing is a significant loss to the Argentine literary and journalistic communities. Fernández Díaz's work will continue to be remembered for its incisive insights, evocative storytelling, and unwavering commitment to truth.
